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Relevant Curriculum with Agriculture Focus

As a North Carolina Public Charter School, Pocosin Innovative Charter begins our curriculum framework with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.  We understand that these standards offer a base from which we build out learning experiences for all grades at the school.


Our literacy program features the use of SRA Reading Mastery Program in grades K-5.  This highly structured, sequential, research-based curriculum brings efficiency to learning and moves students quickly towards mastery of skills and concepts.  Grades 6-8 continues developing reading skills through the use of other SRA modules most appropriate for the skill levels of the students as well as selected novel studies and exploration of other important literary works.

Mathematics instruction is provided through the use of Reveal Math and Go Math curriculum through grades K-8. Our school utilizes data driven instructional planning in mathematics collected through electronic platforms like IXL and other Homebase state math resources.

Science and Social Studies are framed around the standard course of study and blended with an emphasis on Agriculture connections.  All students will participate in hands on learning related to the learning objectives at their grade level and explore ways agriculture of all types is woven into the cultural fabric of our region.


Contact Us

500 1st Street

PO Box 265

Creswell, NC 27928

Pocosin Innovative Charter

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